A 5 page comic adaptation of an excerpt from the Diary of Murasaki Shikibu, a poet and author from the Heian era. The comic was designed to be read in scroll format or page by page.
The text is from Diaries of Court Ladies of Old Japan, Translated by Annie Shepley Omori and Kochi Doi, published in 1920.

Inquisition of the Heart is a 7 page Star Wars fan comic, set in the High Republic era, written by Tom Carver.
Plot Synopsis: "Having embraced his attachment to Affamori Delegate Kaydis Otayo, Pihtt Tancura reaches a breaking point where he feels he must choose between his heart or his very way of life as a Jedi Knight."
Free to read on SWE.com

A 19 page comic chapter about a hapless student turning to demonic summoning as a solution for bad grades.
Inspired by the old grimoires such as Ars Goetia and The Pseudomonarchia Daemonum by Johann Weyer.
The process the protagnist undertakes is directly inspired by the Ars Goetia and features summoning circles and Sigils from this grimoire.